I’m not very good with poems. Actually, I’m a horrible poet. My only attempts have been two shorts I’ve written for different stories. One, I’m currently using, but the second was in a short story for uni two years ago. I’m not a huge fan of the story, so I’ll just post the short by itself. Tomorrow, my first story from a blog reader is going up. For now though, it’s still me.

Please send me in some things, show off, be creative! I love how fairytales are so versatile, they can be cutesie, or they can be super creepy. Maybe you disagree, I suppose it all depends on what a fairytale is to you. Does it have to be something you’d be okay reading to a small child, thus needing to trust in the story not to give said small child horrific nightmares? Don’t want to be like Morticia Addams when she makes all those kids cry in the first Addams Family film, huh? Or have fairytales evolved with storytelling? In an age where people can whip out a copy of Fifty Shades on the train and not be embarrassed that EVERYONE knows they’re reading about Ana’s lack of gag reflex and Christian’s Red Room of Pain, can a fairytale be scary and horrific?

You tell me. Or, better yet, show me.

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